Energy meter

Single phase Energy meter   

Single phase induction type energy meter is also popularly known as watt-hour meter. This name is given to it. This article is only focused about its constructional features and its working. Induction type energy meter essentially consists of following components:  

1. Driving system 
2. Moving system 
3. Braking system and 
4. Registering system  

Driving system
                           It consists of two electromagnets, called “shunt” magnet and “series” magnet, of laminated construction. A coil having large number of turns of fine wire is wound on the middle limb of the shunt magnet.

  This coil is known as “pressure or voltage” coil and is connected across the supply mains. This voltage coil has many turns and is arranged to be as highly inductive as possible. In other words, the voltage coil produces a high ratio of inductance to resistance. This causes the current and therefore the flux, to lag the supply voltage by nearly 90 degree 

 Adjustable copper shading rings are provided on the central limb of the shunt magnet to make the phase angle displacement between magnetic field set up by shunt magnet and supply voltage is approximately 90 degree.  

The copper shading bands are also called the power factor compensator or compensating loop. The series electromagnet is energized by a coil, known as “current” coil which is connected in series with the load so that it carry the load current. The flux produced by this magnet is proportional to, and in phase with the load current. 

Moving system :
                               The moving system essentially consists of a light rotating aluminium disk mounted on a vertical spindle or shaft. The shaft that supports the aluminium disk is connected by a gear arrangement to the clock mechanism on the front of the meter to provide information that consumed energy by the load. The time varying (sinusoidal) fluxes produced by shunt and series magnet induce eddy currents in the aluminium disc The interaction between these two magnetic fields and eddy currents set up a driving torque in the disc. The number of rotations of the disk is therefore proportional to the energy consumed by the load in a certain time interval and is commonly measured in kilowatt-hours (Kwh). 

Braking system :
                            Damping of the disk is provided by a small permanent magnet, located diametrically opposite to the a.c magnets. The disk passes between the magnet gaps. The movement of rotating disc through the magnetic field crossing the air gap sets up eddy currents in the disc that reacts with the magnetic field and exerts a braking torque. By changing the position of the brake magnet or diverting some of the flux there form, the speed of the rotating disc can be controlled. 

Registering Or counting system

The registering or counting system essentially consists of gear train, driven either by worm or pinion gear on the disc shaft, which turns pointers that indicate on dials the number of times the disc has turned.  The energy meter thus determines and adds together or integrates all the instantaneous power values so that total energy used over a period is thus known. Therefore, this type of meter is also called an “integrating” meter. 


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