LED is an optical semiconductor device that converts electrical energy into light energy. Also known as light emitting diode. And it also varies in different colors. A semiconductor diode that emits light when current flow through it. When electrons in semiconductor recombine with electron wholes than an energy release in form of photon. Light emitting diodes emit either visible light or invisible infrared light when forward biased. The LEDs which emit invisible infrared light are used for remote controls. LEDs A diagram of the inside of an LED is shown in Figure The chip at the heart of the LED consists of a p-n junction --- two different solid materials that have been joined together. It is surrounded by a transparent, hard plastic that protects the LED from vibration and shock. The LED is constructed in such a way that the light emitted by the chip is reflected off the base it sits on and i...
In this Electrical engineering, we know about Electronic Systems, Electronics Troubleshooting, Electronic Testing Design, Project Management, Quality Focus, Database Design, Analyzing Information , Reporting Research Results, Attention to Detail, Emphasizing Excellence, Innovation, this is going to amazing .